Whiteboards as Visual Aids

Many different learning styles are present within a classroom, and every child has different needs. These learning styles are influenced by their unique brains and experiences that directly impact how they understand information. Today, we discuss using whiteboards as visual aids for visual learners. 

Who are Visual Learners?

It is essential for teachers to understand the learning styles of their students. The four primary learning styles are visual, auditory, kinesthetic, or tractive. Different types of learners have different strengths and preferences. So how do you work with Visual Learners in your classroom? 

Visual learning is often referred to as the spartan learning style, which requires learners to see what they're expected to know. Visual learners can remember 75% of what they see or read, allowing them to succeed when processing written-down information. Visual learners are all about physically seeing the topics in their lessons, such as colors, tones, and more. Examples of visual learning include watching an in-person demonstration of cooking a meal, following a diagram to build a piece of furniture, or looking at a pie chart to understand statistics.visual aid whiteboard map

Having  visual learners in the classroom means utilizing different teaching formats to provide an enriching and valuable learning experience. Visual learners can focus on what they can see, so anything they've viewed is a part of visual learning. Students who gravitate towards visual learning appreciate seeing things rather than hearing or experiencing them, allowing them to comprehend better the lesson plan being presented. 

How to Help Visual Learners with Whiteboards

One of the most effective teacher tips is to have a visual space for information to be shared with students, also known as a visual aid. This can be done by placing and using a whiteboard in a central area or multiple locations with different focal points of the classroom. Whiteboards as visual aids allow for endless possibilities to be presented, especially for visual learners. Whiteboards allow for written information to be shared easily, illustrations to be drawn, and color-coded information to be incorporated into the lesson. Whiteboard accessories such as interactive magnets, calendars, and more can elevate children's learning experience within the classroom and create a better understanding of many topics. Check out the many accessories and customizable whiteboards we carry that can elevate your teaching experience. 

Teacher using whiteboard as visual aid

Along with the use of whiteboards in the classroom comes the strategic approach of classroom layout. The placement of your tables, desks, and students can completely change how students perform in the classroom. The placement of visual learners in seats or tables in full view of the whiteboard and teacher allows them to have the ultimate learning experience. Giving these students a full view of the teacher allows their eyes to focus on the movements, work presented, and easily digest the information. Along with the placement of seats, grouping students with similar learning styles allows group projects to harness their strengths in collaborative work. 

School is the frontier of learning, and accommodating different learning styles is critical for students' education. Catering to children's different learning styles allows for the ultimate classroom experience and is not limited to only certain school subjects. Implementing visual aids into school lessons using whiteboards, color-coded notes, visual cues, and more allows students to thrive in the classroom. 

Please scroll through our gallery to get inspired. The options are endless. We offer a wide arrange of Custom Whiteboards or Classics that come in a wide arrange of shapes and sizes.

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Why Choose OptiMA?

We are a woman-owned small business making our products in the USA. We specialize in dry erase boards, dry erase wallcoverings, portable dry erase units, high-quality custom printed whiteboards, fast shipping, and five-star customer service. Over the last three decades, we've worked hard to deliver industrial quality whiteboard solutions that won't break customers' budgets.


  1. "Visual Learning Style: Definition & Characteristics." Study.com, 21 May 2015, study.com/academy/lesson/visual-learning-style-definition-characteristics.html
  2. Western Governors University. “Visual Learning Style and Strategies For Teachers.” Western Governors University, Western Governors University, 19 Aug. 2020, https://www.wgu.edu/blog/visual-learning-style-strategies2007.html#close.
  3. “Getting to Know Visual Learners.” Getting to Know Visual Learners | ShowMe Images, https://www.showmeimages.com/news/visual_learner.html.