How a Personalized Family Calendar Can Simplify Your Life

It can be challenging to keep track of your commitments. This task only gets more complicated when you include kids', partners', and even pets' schedules to keep track of too. Investing in a personalized family calendar can simplify your life, reduce stress, and allow you to master_new day-to-day planning. Mastering the family calendar doesn't have to be complicated. Implementing basic principles can change how you plan your life going forward.

Family Command CenterDecide on a Central Location

A central location is the most essential part of implementing the use of a family calendar in your household. The family calendar should be in a central location where every family member will see it. This location can be the kitchen, mudroom, entryway, or dining room, but it should be wherever you find your family passing through most. The use of a central location allows family members with an "out of sight, out of mind" mentality to have a visual reminder of upcoming events and commitments and be aware of them.

Agree on How Events Are Added

Now that you have decided on a system for your personalized family calendar, you must decide how events will be added. These calendars should be updated daily with changes to plans, rain checks, and surprise events, allowing everyone to be in the loop. But who updates the calendar?

If your household agrees that everyone is old enough and committed to adding their own events to the shared calendar, that's an excellent method for knowing everyone's schedule and events. Have every adult and child be responsible for adding their calendar events when they become aware of them. If you find that not every family member can update the calendar, designate an adult in the household who will be responsible for adding events to the calendar for the whole family. These systems ensure that the family calendar is updated daily, allowing no events or commitments to be forgotten.

Touch Base Frequently

Ideally, in a perfect world, family units should be touching base daily on upcoming events, the next day's schedule, and how the day will flow. But we all know some days don't go as planned. There are times you can't talk with your partner, spouse, or co-parent on an upcoming day. We recommend that you try your best to have at least a weekly huddle to assess the week ahead. This conversation should focus on upcoming commitments such as practices, birthdays, recitals, and school tests.

Family Command CenterMake It Yours

The family calendar is designed to fit your home. This can mean a color-coded, embellished calendar or something with the bare minimum. Find a system that works and makes it yours. Before you know it, your family will have master_newed the ultimate family calendar, resulting in less stress from day to day.

Are you looking to design and personalize your Family Calendar?

The Personalized Family Command Center is a functional and attractive scheduling tool for your family. Schedule grocery shopping, events, dinners, things to do, and calendar events with ease while being personalized! Choose from 12" x 18",  16" x 24", 20" x 30" Glass Boards to accommodate any living space, and have your family name custom printed at the top.

Shop Personalized Family Calendar Here

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