How to Succeed in Homeschooling your Kids

Homeschooling is educating school-aged children at home rather than sending them to school. Homeschooling has existed since the dawn of civilization, but it has come back in vogue in modern times as the preferred method of education that certain families have adopted for their children. So what is homeschooling, what is its history, and how do you succeed at the task of homeschooling your kids? Let's dive in! 

The History of Homeschooling

Homeschooling was the common practice of civilizations for centuries to educate their children while still having their help in the household. Only the wealthy had access to personal tutors who would educate their children in the home, leaving most children's education up to the local community.

old photo of children sitting in a classroomThe earliest public schools in western culture were established during the Reformation with the encouragement of Martin Luther in 1524 and 1527. Despite the advent of schools, home education and apprenticeship remained the main form of education until the 1830s. By the beginning of the 19th century, formal classroom schooling soon became the most common means of schooling in developed countries, resulting in children going to schoolhouses to receive an education. 

Due to compulsory school attendance laws, homeschooling began declining in common practice in the 19th and 20th centuries. Laws were created that required children aged seven and older to attend school unless they were deemed mentally or physically unable to attend or had urgent needs at home. Parents who did not comply with these laws could be fined for failing to do so to ensure that children were receiving the education they needed. Homeschooling fell out of favor with most of the population and became limited to more rural areas.

Despite homeschooling becoming relatively rare, a significant resurgence of the practice occurred in the 1960s and 1970s. This originated from education reformists dissatisfied with the industrialized education system and felt they should educate their children themselves. Today, homeschooling is a relatively widespread form of education and a legal alternative to public or private education in many communities. 

The popular resurgence of homeschooling in modern times has led to a broad spectrum of homeschooling methods that looks very different from household to household. From highly structured forms based on traditional classroom-based learning to freer forms such as "unschool," homeschooling families now represent 3 to 4% of all American households.

Homeschooling Hacks

Homeschooling brings extraordinary flexibility and spontaneity to a child's education, but this can result in easy distractions or veering off track. Whether you focus on a more classroom-based homeschooling style or more relaxed planning, some tips can make your homeschooling experience more successful.

Follow a Schedule

One of the biggest ways to make homeschooling successful is to use a daily schedule. This does not have to be extremely tedious. Schedules can be flexible, allowing certain times to be designed solely

Children's homeschool calendar dry erase around "class" or learning time and other times designated for play, snacks, or a nap. Children tend to thrive in a daily routine, allowing them to understand their goals, activities, and schedule.

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These dry-erase calendars allow you to both understand the learning goals for the upcoming year and those required and wished upon by the child. Allowing your child to understand the schedule for the day will allow them to better understand the transition from 'playtime' to 'schooltime' to 'nap-time' and more. Having designated times will help your child focus better and thrive in their learning environment, making homeschooling a more straightforward process for the whole family.

Schedules do not have to be limited to your day-to-day life but can be used to map the general learning schedule for your homeschooler. This can be a fun activity to keep your child in the loop, allowing them to input what they hope to learn in their schooling. This small task will make your big school year goals seem less intimidating and more achievable.

Create Designated Spaces for Learning

One big challenge of homeschooling your child is keeping them focused during their schooling. This can easily be achieved by creating a designated space for your child's learning. This does not mean you must create a classroom within your household, but a space where your child knows their learning time is critical. Having your learning take place in a separate room from playtime allows thechild homeschooling with whiteboard students to understand that different household locations represent different stages of the day. Creating a learning-only space will help your child, especially younger ones, understand the different spheres within their homeschooling experience.

Small changes such as removing toys, television time, and distractions from the "schooling sphere" while keeping books, paper, and school materials will allow students to see the difference visually. While keeping those distractions, toys, and having screen time in a separate room, allow your child to "leave" their distractions behind. This mentality can be achieved by integrating boards, traditional whiteboards, school supplies, or dry-erase wallpaper that can be utilized in your homeschool teachings.

Take Learning Beyond the Classroom

One of the most significant advantages of homeschooling is the flexibility to learn outside a traditional classroom setting. The opportunities for learning outside of textbooks allow students to connect theircustomizable dry erase lapboard real world to the learning world. Learning can take place in a museum, a wildlife preserve, a  farm, or simply outside in the backyard!  Making time for these opportunities in your daily schedule through mind-exploring skills and meeting new people is a fundamental way to learn and grow.

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  1. “Homeschooling.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 28 Feb. 2022,